Una grammatica BNF per le biografie accademiche

Pubblicata nella speranza che sia utile a qualcuno. Le notazioni sono standard: a|b indica una alternativa tra a e b, a* indica la ripetizione di zero o più a, e [a] indica che a è opzionale. Le parentesi tonde sono usate per raggruppare parti di frase, e non vanno intese in senso letterale.

Non sono necessarie, né desiderate, attribuzioni; tecnicamente, questo post è soggetto a licenza CC-0.

<name> is (an independent researcher | <position> at <employer>), specializing in <topic>*. (He|She) received (his|her) PhD in <academic_area> at <university> in <year>.
(He|She) has been (<position> at <employer>)*.
(His|Her) research focuses on (<topic> [, with special emphasis on <subtopic>])*. [(His|Her) interests also include <topic>*.]
[(He|She) is a member of (<group> at <institution>)* [and currently leads <project>*].]
(He|She) has (a substantial record of | more than <n>) publications in peer-reviewed journals and presented at (numerous | more than <n>) (top-tier | international) conferences.
[(He|She) has received <award>* and was the recipient of <fellowship>*.]
[(He|She) chaired <committee>* and sits on the Editorial Board of <journal>*.]
[(He|She) [co]founded (<startup> [that was acquired by <big_firm>])*.]

La formulazione delle sotto-grammatiche per i vari simboli terminali (<position>, <topic>, ecc.) è lasciata come esercizio al lettore.

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